More than 45% of city population is affected with high blood pressure as per the revelation of recent study. This silent killer is taking a tall on the health while many of them remain unknown about its presence. Though most of the doctors will start to prescribe medicine for it, there are professional and trained chiropractor who can help you to heal naturally. The Chiropractic Massage therapy is proven to be a great help to control high blood pressure. What is high blood pressure? With every beat of heart, it pumps blood into the arteries. Through the blood pressure measure device, the doctor finds out the force of the blood pushing against the wall of arteries. The normal reading for BP is 120/80. When the number reads more than 140/90, then the condition is called hypertension. As there is not much symptom of high blood pressure, most of the time it remains untreated. But long ignorance of the disease can lead to stroke, kidney failure or heart attack. Chiropractic Mass...